Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blog Post #13

two stick figures. One says, I have no technology1 and the other says, you may borrow my rabbit if you like

To start off, I have been without a cell phone for a little under a month now and it is very aggravating because if I need something or need to speak to someone while I am away from home, I can't. Also, if I break down or get into a wreck or some accident where I am injured, I cannot call 911 or anyone else because I have no cell phone. With that being said, I love watching T.V. and specific shows come on almost every night of the week. I also love to play games on facebook and check it every once in a while. I also like the convenience of email!

So, for this assignment, I went 24 hours without any of this(I picked a day that my shows were not on T.V.), no technology, and I found myself pulling weeds out of the flower beds, trimming hedges, cleaning house and much much more to occupy myself. I also hung out with a couple of friends later that evening since I couldn't watch T.V. and I called them from my house phone. It is hard to imagine how it was like before technology because even though this assignment allowed us to see how it is without technology, it is always surrounding us. Go to the store, you have to use technology to swipe your debit/credit card. Cashiers have to ring you up through the scanner and it pops up on the computer monitor. There is also technology in appliances now like the ice machine in your fridge. I used to wish I lived in the old days, but now that I see what it is like without technology and I see how technology makes our lives easier, I would not want to live before technology came around. I love technology!

icons of the internet aligned in rows with a black and blue theme

1 comment:

  1. Great picture!

    You will soon have students even more committed to (or should I say addicted to) technology. Are you prepared to be their teacher? Can you teach without technology? How and what will you technology in your classroom? How will you use your student's technology for educational purposes?
